6 min read

Top 4 Generative AI-powered Marketing Tools to Scale your Business

Generative AI

Generative AI Applications in Ecommerce 

From delivering a high-impact and personalized experience to streamlined supply chain management, Generative AI application is rapidly revolutionizing the ecommerce industry. For instance, Generative AI has the capability to discover and recommend products, create realistic 3D models, and even write various types of content. It needs a remarkably short period to accomplish those tasks which is not something a human being can replicate. The speed at which this is achieved depends on various factors, including the data size and complexity, the computing capacity, and the level of personalization required. However, with technological advancements in AI and ML, Generative AI algorithms can process and analyze vast volumes of data swiftly. 

As the ecommerce landscape is rapidly evolving, harnessing AI is not just an option but an investment in understanding customer behavior like never before. Generative AI enables businesses to identify browsing history, purchase patterns, and critical demographic information to offer personalized recommendations and exclusive offers in real-time. This provides customers with personalized content that aligns with their preferences, thus enhancing the shopping experience. Ecommerce teams can leverage this model to automate their repetitive, time-consuming tasks to improve productivity. Consequently, this allows them to allocate more time to urgent assignments or brainstorming sessions. 

Generative AI has many applications in ecommerce, and businesses are using it to personalize the user experience, improve their operations, and increase sales.


Top 4 Generative AI Use Cases in Business to Elevate Customer Experience


1. AI-powered Personalization 

Personalize AI

Businesses can achieve hyper-personalization using Generative AI models in customer behavior and preferences. For example, a business might use this algorithm to generate tailored product descriptions based on user behavior and preferences. 

Product Recommendations  

One of the most common applications of Generative AI is product recommendations. Businesses can use this model to analyze consumer behavior and preferences to offer highly personalized recommendations. For example, Amazon uses this algorithm to generate personalized recommendations based on their browsing and purchase history. 

Personalized Product Search  

It utilizes customer intent and preference to deliver dynamic descriptive content that resonates better with shoppers and delivers the personalized experience they expect that too at a scale. 

Personalized / Custom Products  

We can create products tailored to a specific customer or a target market considering their unique interests and preferences.  

Personalized In-Person Checkout Experience  

Use Generative AI to create and deliver personalized order summaries to store managers at checkout, creating more opportunities for up-sell, cross-sell and improving the user experience. 

Personal Shopper

By incorporating Generative AI, we are integrating sophisticated intelligence and context into an otherwise normal/bland online shopping experience. By having an insight into shoppers’ preferences as they shop, they can be applied to the experience as they search for other complementing products. 

Smart(er) Store Associate  

Integrate machine learning and AI across every endpoint – both in stores and behind the scenes. Enable retailers to track and monitor inventory data in real-time to build resilience, adaptability, and continuity. 

Below are some of the AI-powered Personalization tools: 

  • Adobe Product Recommendations
  • Adobe Live Search
  • Klevu
  • Algolia
  • Dynamic Yield
  • Unbxd
  • SAP Customer Experience
  • Barilliance
  • RichRelevance 

2. AI-powered Customer Engagement (Conversational Commerce) 


Customer interaction can be enhanced by developing virtual assistants and chatbots that can provide tailored product recommendations. For example, a business might use Generative AI with the ability to reply to business-related questions like requesting the status of an order / return / refund or getting expert advice on an item (replacing FAQ). These interactions need not be limited to chats but can extend to voice-based interactions.


Artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots are a fascinating advancement in the changing technological and digital landscape. AI chatbots are trained to have human-like conversations using natural language processing (NLP). Chatbots can comprehend language beyond pre-programmed responses and generate a reply using existing information. This empowers website visitors to steer the conversation, expressing their intentions in their language. AI chatbots continuously acquire knowledge from their interactions, enabling them to adjust their responses to various patterns and new situations. Unlike Rule-based chatbots, which follow rules established in advance, AI-powered chatbots engage in more versatile and human-like expressions. They can gather extensive information about your website visitors and utilize that knowledge efficiently with minimal intervention. As a result, your sales team gains valuable insights about your consumers, enabling them to personalize their conversations more effectively. 

We can always use a mix of AI chatbots and rule-based chatbots. For example, having a rule-based chatbot on the home page can quickly qualify the site visitors. Meanwhile, an AI chatbot on PDP can help answer buyer’s specific questions regarding pricing, features, specifications, etc. 

Below are some of the AI-powered Chatbots: 

  • Gorgias 
  • Freshchat
  • LiveChat
  • Zendesk Answer Bot
  • Intercom 

3. AI-powered Content Generation 


Generative AI is revolutionizing content generation in the ecommerce industry. It can automatically generate a wide range of content, including product descriptions, reviews, blog posts, testimonials, social media content, localized translations, and even videos. These tools use sophisticated algorithms to analyze data and generate content that matches the desired tone and style. This automation offers several benefits for content creators and businesses including time saving, and cost reduction, and allows businesses to scale their content creation efforts while maintaining a personalized touch. 

Here are some of the ways AI generated content can produce high-quality translation and localization that can help you gain a strategic advantage over your competitors and captivate your target audience.

Localization of Product Listings  

AI-powered translation tools can automatically translate product listings, descriptions, and specifications into multiple languages. This allows businesses to cater to international clients, making their products more accessible and understandable to a global audience. 

Multilingual Customer Support  

AI chatbots and virtual assistants equipped with translation capabilities can provide multilingual support. Customers from different linguistic backgrounds can receive assistance in their preferred language, leading to increased satisfaction and problem resolution. 

User Reviews & Ratings  

AI can translate user-generated content, such as product reviews and ratings, into various languages. This helps potential customers gain insights into the quality and popularity of products, even if they don't speak the original language of the reviews. Therefore, combine reviews across the globe with the local language. 

Cross-Border Expansion  

AI-driven translation tools make it easier for companies to expand into new markets without the need for an extensive network of linguists or translators. This can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with global expansion. 

Cultural Sensitivity  

AI translation tools can also be programmed to consider cultural nuances and preferences when translating content. This helps in avoiding any unintended cultural insensitivity in product descriptions or marketing materials. 

Data Analysis & Insights  

AI can analyze data from translated content to gain insights into the preferences and behaviors of international clients. This data can inform marketing strategies, product offerings, and customer engagement approaches. 

Captions, Subject Lines & More

AI can help in writing both short and long pieces of content for a marketing strategy, such as video captions, email subject lines, web copy, blogs and more. 

Below are some of the AI powered Content Tools: 

  • GPT-3
  • Copy.ai
  • Conversion.ai
  • ContentBot 

4. AI Marketing 


With artificial intelligence marketing, decisions are automated based on data collection, data analysis, and additional observations of market trends that may affect promotional efforts. Digital marketing often relies on artificial intelligence when speed is a priority. To reach customers effectively, AI marketing tools analyze and learn their profiles, then serve them tailored messages at the right time without requiring human intervention from the marketing team to maximize operational efficiency.  

With artificial intelligence marketing, decisions are automated based on data collection, data analysis, and additional observations of market trends that may affect promotional efforts. Digital marketing often relies on artificial intelligence when speed is a priority. To reach customers effectively, AI marketing tools analyze and learn their profiles, then serve them tailored messages at the right time without requiring human intervention from the marketing team to maximize operational efficiency.  

A/B Testing Optimization 

With the help of AI algorithms, multiple variations of campaigns, such as ad copy and landing pages, can be tested to determine which is the most effective one that drives user engagement and behavior. 

Customer Segmentation  

Ecommerce experts may segment their audience into varied categories based on behavior, interests, and demographics by leveraging Generative AI to evaluate data in order to give personalized and appropriate messages. 

SEO-Optimized Product Descriptions  

To avoid product descriptions not optimized for SEO – or without a description altogether, Generative AI can create persuasive descriptions that also support SEO optimization strategies. 

High Quality Data Insights 

Through AI marketing, marketers can extract the most valuable insights from their datasets and act on them in real-time, transforming their entire promotional program. By analyzing the most effective ad placements to engage customers more consistently, AI platforms can help companies allocate funds across media channels quickly and get the best out of their campaigns. 

Hyper-Targeted Messaging  

There is a wide variety of consumer responses across channels - some may respond emotionally to a message, some may respond humorously, and others may respond logically. By using AI and machine learning, marketers can create more comprehensive profiles of users based on the messaging they have responded to. This allows sales teams to deliver more customized messages to users. 

Predictive Marketing Analytics  

With so much data flowing into their organization every day, marketing teams are having a hard time deriving insights from it. AI marketing tools leverage machine learning, algorithms, models, and datasets to predict future behavior using predictive analytics, which combines machine learning, algorithms, models, and datasets. As a result, digital marketing teams will be better equipped to understand the types of products consumers will be looking for and when - allowing them to better position campaigns. 

Dynamic Pricing 

By enabling dynamic pricing, AI marketing can help brands become more competitive. AI is reshaping price optimization for new products in real-time by analysing large volumes of historical data and competitive data. This is an effective strategy for retail marketing. Brands can adjust their pricing in response to market demand, increase sales, and gain competitive advantage.  
Here's a comprehensive list of AI-driven marketing tools to grow your business:

  • Jasper AI
  • Beacons AI
  • Adobe Sensei
  • Hubspot
  • SurferSEO
  • Persado Motivation AI
  • Crayon
  • Drift
  • Optimizely

Kensium Can Make Generative AI a Powerful Customer Experience Ally in your Journey 

Choosing the right Generative AI-driven marketing strategy for brands requires careful consideration of various factors to achieve personalized service, improve customer experience, increase revenue, and reduce churn. 

Are you striving to implement Generative AI for your ecommerce business requirements? Look no further than Kensium! We provide full-service digital marketing services that blends in-house expertise with data insights from best-in-class AI-driven Marketing tools to create multi-channel campaigns that deliver the highest ROI. 

Feel free to contact our seasoned team of AI experts. 


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