Kensium Resources, Articles, and Guides

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Ecommerce (3)

Customized Ecommerce Platform Or Out-Of-The-Box - Which Is Better?

4 min read

Customized Ecommerce Platform Or Out-Of-The-Box - Which Is Better?

The importance of technology in ecommerce and B2B sales has never been more apparent than now. Thanks to the pandemic, many businesses realized the...

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christmas tree and fireplace in background and gifts in foreground

4 min read

10 Ways To Get Ready For Holiday Ecommerce Sales

You can make up to 50% of your annual sales during the holiday shopping season. Last year alone, holiday retail sales increased by 8.5% (which was...

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graphic showing components that GA4 tracks

4 min read

How To Be Ready To Update Your Ecommerce Analytics to GA4

Google announced the launch of its latest analytics tool two years ago, Google Analytics 4 (GA4). In July 2023, GA4 will sunset Google Analytics as...

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person holding mobile phone and purchase success message on screen

4 min read

Progressive Web Apps vs. Responsive Websites - Which Is Better?

If you're in the ecommerce or retail business, you know how essential a website is for your business. It's what shows the world your brand, products,...

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Finding The Right Ecommerce Technology Stack

4 min read

Finding The Right Ecommerce Technology Stack

Technology allows businesses to meet customers where they are while offering an exceptional buying experience. There’s a solution for every stage of...

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What You Need To Know About Progressive Web Apps

4 min read

What You Need To Know About Progressive Web Apps

Where We’ve Been

Web pages have long been the primary way a brand attracts readers and customers. Whether you are an individual blogger or a...

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Headless Rocket

4 min read

Headless Commerce Creates A Buying Journey Across All Devices

Innovation is key in commerce and business, but implementing those changes can cause a headache. Back then, eCommerce businesses only needed to...

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tablet in front of warehouse shelves full of boxes

4 min read

Six Reasons Why Ecommerce Retailers Need The Right ERP System

The constant evolution of ecommerce has transformed the way companies run their businesses. Modern online sales are fast-paced, constantly changing,...

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dollar sign in front of digital graph

6 min read

Spotlight: Acumatica Cloud ERP Controlling Your Company's Financials

Today we're focusing on easing the pain points for those feeling the heat of financial-sector inefficiencies, contradictions, and outright mishaps...

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The Distributor’s Guide To Going Direct To Consumers

6 min read

The Distributor’s Guide To Going Direct To Consumers

The outbreak of COVID-19 illustrated the need for digital and remote capabilities for many distribution companies. Suddenly, distribution companies...

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