4 min read

How To Create An Effective Omnichannel Strategy

Leverage an omnichannel sales strategy to increase profits and grow your business

Ecommerce businesses face an ever-increasing demand for seamless customer experiences. Customers expect to interact with a brand across multiple channels, from social media to email to brick-and-mortar stores. To meet these expectations, businesses need to implement an omnichannel sales strategy.

The best way to create and execute an omnichannel sales strategy is to find a partner with a deep understanding of marketplace technology and the technology necessary for a successful omnichannel strategy. Kensium provides an end-to-end solution for ecommerce businesses that seamlessly connects the front and back-end systems, providing an exceptional customer experience.

What is an Omnichannel Sales Strategy?

An omnichannel sales strategy is a customer-centric approach that allows businesses to create a consistent and seamless customer experience across all online and offline channels. Customers can interact with a brand through various channels, such as a website, social media, email, or in-person, and enjoy the same experience every time.

components of a successful omnichannel strategy

Why is an Omnichannel Sales Strategy Important?

An omnichannel sales strategy is important for eCommerce merchants for several reasons:

  • Increased customer engagement: By utilizing multiple channels such as social media, email, SMS, and physical stores, eCommerce merchants can reach customers where they spend their time, increasing engagement and brand awareness.
  • Better customer experience: An omnichannel sales strategy allows customers to shop on their preferred platform, whether it's online, in-store, or through a mobile app, providing a seamless experience across all channels.
  • Increased sales: Ecommerce merchants can reach a wider audience and increase sales by making products available across multiple channels.
  • Better data collection: An omnichannel sales strategy allows eCommerce merchants to collect data from multiple sources, providing valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences.
  • Competitive advantage: An omnichannel sales strategy can set eCommerce merchants apart from their competitors who may only offer sales through a single channel.

Technology To Boost Sales

There are several key technologies required for a successful omnichannel sales strategy. However, with a market saturated with consultants and developers promoting their solutions, finding a solution that meets every requirement and connects to ensure success can be difficult.

Kensium provides consulting and software implementation designed to help organizations manage every part of their business efficiently in addition to partnering with top-tier commerce solution providers like Acumatica ERP and BigCommerce. Both provide a robust library of native features and have an open architecture that allows Kensium developers to create additional custom tools to support any business model and enhance the customer experience.

technology used for omnichannel sales strategy

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

A CRM system allows businesses to collect and manage customer data across multiple channels, enabling a unified view of customer interactions and behavior. Acumatica ERP meets these objectives and expands on them with industry-specific Editions built to align with the needs of any vertical. From retail and commerce to distribution and manufacturing, Acumatica provides companies with the tools to manage every customer interaction across all channels.

Inventory Management Software

Inventory management software helps businesses manage their inventory across multiple sales channels, ensuring the products are available and ready to ship. This software is critical for any manufacturer, wholesaler, or distributor.

Fusion Sellercloud Connector integrates ecommerce websites with Acumatica ERP, simplifying business operations and supporting an omnichannel strategy. It helps merchants control inventory, catalogs, purchasing, and fulfillment in one solution.

Point Of Sale (POS) Software

A POS system is a crucial component of omnichannel sales, allowing businesses to sell products across multiple channels, including in-store, online, and mobile. It becomes even more powerful when connected to backend systems that provide automation tools like attaching orders to customer records, sending pick-pack-ship information to distribution centers, and creating sales orders.

Fusion POS integrates with Acumatica and can be used anywhere customers are. From brick-and-mortar to tradeshows and beyond, Fusion POS syncs directly with Acumatica, ensuring accurate order information and beginning the fulfillment process. It saves merchants time and money by eliminating manual data entry and the potential for inaccuracies.

Mobile App Development

Mobile apps provide customers with a seamless shopping experience, allowing them to browse and purchase products from anywhere. However, native applications are slow to develop and must meet device standards, often forcing businesses to create two applications – one for MacOS and one for Android OS.

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) eliminate the need to develop an application outside a website. PWAs are built on the backbone of commerce websites and automatically create a responsive, app-like experience for customers. They are faster to develop because of the robust library of pre-configured features that can be adjusted for any business model and sales strategy.

Customer Analytics Tools

These tools allow businesses to track customer behavior and engagement across all channels, providing valuable insights into customer preferences and behavior. However, many organizations use multiple systems to collect customer data that aren’t connected. A robust ERP like Acumatica empowers businesses to link analytics tools like Google Analytics within the platform. This data is combined with the native analytics found in Acumatica and provides a 360-degree view of customer behavior and website traffic.

Order Fulfillment and Logistics Software

These logistics applications help businesses manage order fulfillment and shipping across multiple channels, ensuring that products are delivered on time and to the correct location. Logistics software that connects and centralizes all fulfillment with a solution like Acumatica, can provide up-to-date and accurate data to customers regarding their purchases. Fusion CommercePro connects to Acumatica, adding the features merchants need to follow every customer's fulfillment and shipping data, allowing them to sell more efficiently.

How to Implement an Omnichannel Sales Strategy

Implementing an omnichannel sales strategy requires deep understanding of your customer's needs and behaviors. Here are some steps to follow to implement an effective omnichannel sales strategy:

  1. Understand your customers: Start by researching your customers' needs, behaviors, and preferences across different channels. Use analytics tools to track customer behavior and identify opportunities for improvement.
  2. Develop a customer-centric approach: Use your insights to create a customer-centric approach that aligns with your customer's needs and preferences.
  3. Ensure consistency across all channels: Ensure that all online and offline channels provide a consistent customer experience. This includes messaging, branding, and tone of voice.
  4. Use data to personalize experiences: Use customer data to personalize experiences across channels. This can include personalized recommendations, targeted messaging, and customized promotions.
  5. Provide seamless transitions: Ensure that customers can seamlessly transition from one channel to another without any disruptions or inconsistencies.

Kensium Is Your End-To-End Commerce Partner

An omnichannel sales strategy is critical for businesses that want to provide an exceptional customer experience and increase sales and revenue. Kensium starts by understanding your business goals, customers' needs, and behaviors. Working with commerce merchants to develop a customer-centric approach and ensure consistency across all channels, businesses can create a seamless customer experience that drives customer loyalty and revenue growth.

We understand how crucial it is to reach the most shoppers in the most places, and we have the tools to accomplish this task. Whether creating a new website, developing a PWA, implementing Acumatica ERP, or combining all three, Kensium has the expertise to design, develop, and launch an end-to-end omnichannel solution for any organization. Contact our specialists today and learn how we can help!

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