Richard Parr

As the VP of Creative Services, Richard is an award-winning creative leader with 25 years of experience in digital branding and design solutions.

4 min read

Marketing Strategies to Consider When Transitioning from B2B to B2C

Transitioning from a traditional B2B business model, where your primary customers are retailers, distributors, and other partners, to include individual consumers, presents a myriad of opportunities and challenges. This...

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3 min read

Is Your Marketing Company Gaslighting You? Navigating the Maze of Digital Marketing Scams

If I had $1 for every marketing spam email I received since I’ve had email, I could afford to lease a better car. I work in the marketing and...

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2 min read

The Illusion of Marketing Control: Now you have you don’t.

In the late 19th century, renowned illusionist Harry Houdini convinced an audience that he could make himself disappear and reappear at will. This...

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Conversion Rate Optimization

2 min read

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Assessments Are a Win-Win!

Everything changes in ecommerce, all the time, from design trends to usability improvements and marketing strategies, there is always an upgrade or a...

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4 min read

Exploring the Potential of the Metaverse to Revolutionize Ecommerce Businesses

The metaverse wave is starting to gain momentum. Businesses that fail to strategize their approach to this enhanced world may be at a disadvantage....

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graphic showing components that GA4 tracks

4 min read

How To Be Ready To Update Your Ecommerce Analytics to GA4

Google announced the launch of its latest analytics tool two years ago, Google Analytics 4 (GA4). In July 2023, GA4 will sunset Google Analytics as...

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woman playing with VR headset

4 min read

Why Your Business Should Look Ahead To The Metaverse

You may already know that 15% of retail purchases are made online. That’s 5 trillion dollars of business every year. Consumers feel increasingly...

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