Kensium Resources, Articles, and Guides

We make it easy to find resources to help you grow your business.

4 min read

Digital Maturity Is The Key To Ecommerce Growth

Many online merchants start with a small website built on a WSYWIG (what you see is what you get) platform, like Wix. It’s an easy drag-and-drop platform to showcase your small product catalog, provide product details,...

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Customized Ecommerce Platform Or Out-Of-The-Box - Which Is Better?

4 min read

Customized Ecommerce Platform Or Out-Of-The-Box - Which Is Better?

The importance of technology in ecommerce and B2B sales has never been more apparent than now. Thanks to the pandemic, many businesses realized the...

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Acumatica R2 2022

1 min read

Kensium's Braintree Is The First Certified Payment Plugin for 2022 R2

Acumatica released product certifications for R2 2022! Kensium is pleased to announce that our Braintree Plugin and partner ShipStation are now...

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Acumatica R2 2022

3 min read

Acumatica Provides New Functionality With 2022 R2 Release

On September 15th, 2022, Acumatica released its second biannual product update, 2022 R2. The release contains new functionality to help you manage...

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Adobe Commerce

2 min read

What You Need To Know About Upgrading To Magento 2.4.4+

Adobe Commerce 2.3x (formerly Magento open source 2.3x) is now unsupported by Adobe. While less than 50,000 live sites are using 2.3, a lot will...

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christmas tree and fireplace in background and gifts in foreground

4 min read

10 Ways To Get Ready For Holiday Ecommerce Sales

You can make up to 50% of your annual sales during the holiday shopping season. Last year alone, holiday retail sales increased by 8.5% (which was...

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bighackathon summer '22 image from bigcommerce

2 min read

BigCommerce Launches #BigHackathon And Kensium Rises To The Challenge

What Is #BigHackathon

On August 15, 2022, BigCommerce kicked off its first-ever #BigHackathon. To encourage participation from BigCommerce developers...

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Make Customers Happy

4 min read

Make Customers Happy During The Holiday Season With Acumatica

While merchants are getting ready for the holiday shopping rush, they may discover that they cannot predict how much of an increase in sales they’ll...

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graphic showing components that GA4 tracks

4 min read

How To Be Ready To Update Your Ecommerce Analytics to GA4

Google announced the launch of its latest analytics tool two years ago, Google Analytics 4 (GA4). In July 2023, GA4 will sunset Google Analytics as...

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person holding mobile phone and purchase success message on screen

4 min read

Progressive Web Apps vs. Responsive Websites - Which Is Better?

If you're in the ecommerce or retail business, you know how essential a website is for your business. It's what shows the world your brand, products,...

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