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Kensium Product Team – Q1 2023 Updates

Q1 2023 Updates

Fusion Website

– Here is the new website unveiled: www.fusionrms.com to learn all about our Fusion Products line.


Fusion Product Documentation/Packages Portal:

Here is link to the new interface for all our Fusion Products documentation: https://docs.fusionrms.com/


Our Product Line:

  • Build your Own (Bundle Products) & PC - Customizable Kits (Grouped Products): These products are in their final phase of Product Development and will be rolled before end of Mar ’23 for implementation services.

  • 23R1 Upgrades: We have begun the upgrade work for 23R1 for most of our Product’s line and started to make ISV submissions. 

  • Payment Gateways – Braintree: New version of SDK released, and the upgraded packages are released to all impacted clients.

  • Commerce Pro V2: Upgraded version of Commerce Pro product will be available in the offering from 23R1 onwards.

  • Fusion POS:

    • Completed the Avalara integration. Avalara is a cloud-based tax compliance software that provided automated end-to-end compliance solutions for businesses of all sizes. They have variety of integrations, some of which includes Accounting; E-Commerce; POS System.

    • Completed the development of Big Commerce Gift Cards integration with Fusion software. This is currently in UAT and will be rolled out to first client soon. This feature allows merchants to easily create and sell gift cards to their customers.

    • PWA implementation for order pad has been initiated. PWA – Progressive Web Applications will be designed to function like a native app on mobile devices, offering users a fast; reliable, and engaging experience. Orderpad under POS will be our first pilot launch of this new technology.

  • Fusion WMS: Pick optimization and wave picking functionality development in progress.

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