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Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Assessments Are a Win-Win!

Conversion Rate Optimization

Everything changes in ecommerce, all the time, from design trends to usability improvements and marketing strategies, there is always an upgrade or a new best-practice. The inevitability of these changes underscore the importance of continual, proactive assessments of your website and online marketing channels. Most business owners and their internal team often react only to the issues that crop up daily. This reactive mode leaves little time to proactively review the website and online channels for customer experience (CX) and other issues that can impact conversions. In addition, since the client and their internal team are uber-familiar with their brand and channels, many times they can’t objectively review how effectively their online business aligns with the latest-best practices. 


Kensium’s CX and Marketing Team to the Rescue

Kensium offers proactive CX and Marketing Assessments conducted by our award-winning, professional, certified team. We use industry-leading tools like Google Analytics, SEM Rush, Screaming Frog, and more. Our team tackles assessments from two critical angles:

  1. Customer Experience (CX) from a usability and interface design perspective: Usability relates to factors such as how easy and intuitive the website is to navigate, how quickly customers find what they are looking for, and how useful interactive tools and website features are. Interface design relates to the overall branded experience and addresses whether the design is appropriate for the intended customer, if the brand is consistently represented, and if the website is utilizing current design trends.
  2. Marketing Channel Optimization: Kensium has two digital marketing service teams. Together they assess the back-end technical SEO, and the front-end social and PPC channels. Our tech SEO team will dig deep into the website pages to see if best practices are being maintained on product pages, content pages, and the website structure. Using our tools and expertise, our social marketing team will conduct a review of the various social channels to ascertain how well they are set up and are performing against industry standards and the competition. 


A No-Cost Assessment and a Premium Assessment Option

Kensium offers two types of assessments: (1) a no-cost “light” assessment, and (2) a detailed paid assessment. Both assessments deliver valuable, actionable insights and recommendations that can help businesses improve their brand and revenue. 

The no-cost assessment provides a high-level view of key CX and marketing factors:

  • Google ad insights
  • Social media snapshots
  • Competitor audit and comparison
  • Technical SEO and web performance
  • CX & UI observations and recommendations
  • Recommended next steps

The paid detailed assessment delivers a much deeper dive and thorough documentation:

  • A 60–80-page document with all aspects scored and graded compared to best-practices and industry trends.
  • Website page and feature reviews: Global navigation, Home page, Category, Product pages, Landing pages, other key pages.
  • Mobile and desktop review
  • Competitor UX and UI comparisons
  • Technical SEO review, recommendations and competitor analysis
  • PPC review, recommendations and competitor analysis
  • Social media channels review, recommendations and competitor analysis
  • Recommended next steps


Sign Up For An Assessment Today


Example Assessment Findings

Our assessments always reveal issues and opportunities the client was unaware of, even if the client has their own internal or external marketing team. Here are some examples:


Transportation Parts Company:

  • Lower than industry average conversions on paid ads
  • Product page and global navigation improvements


Motorsports Retailer:

  • Issues with recent website migration impacting SEO
  • Home page layout best-practices not being observed


Educational Products Retailer:

  • Fixable page speed issues impacting SEO
  • Keyword strategies to gain traffic from competitors
  • Low return-on-ad-spend (ROAS) compared to industry norms

Can You Use What You Get?

Absolutely 100%, the final assessment is yours to review, print, and execute. Of course, we hope you will utilize Kensium’s team to assist your internal team with prioritizing and implementing the recommended improvements wherever possible. We believe Kensium’s assessments are essential for any business looking to stay competitive in their industry. Please click here to learn more about our Assessments and sign up for improved conversions.

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